Global Outreach
Meet our missionary families! They make a global IMPACT! The great commandments and the great commission: to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to go into all the world and make disciples. For more information email [email protected].

Meet the Delps
We are collaborating with the Covenant Church of Ecuador to help start medical clinics and homes for at-risk children. The home and clinic that we already have in Cayambe are compassion/outreach ministries of the Covenant at both the national and local levels. We are committed to helping children in at-risk situations (i.e., abusive homes, neglected children, children of alcoholics, children freed from human trafficking situations, etc.). We also feel called to connect and share the love of Jesus with the families of these children in holistic ministries and serve as an outreach to the community through medicine. We are passionate about sharing Christ and meeting people where they are, even if that is amid tragedy and hurt. All of this will be accomplished in partnership with the national and local Covenant Church of Ecuador. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the least of these in Ecuador.

Meet the Isazas
We partner with the Evangelical Covenant Church of Colombia (FIPEC) in four primary areas: leadership development through theological education, Christian formation, community development, and peace and reconciliation. We are committed to forming pastors, lay leaders, children’s ministry volunteers, and youth leaders. We are helping to facilitate a three-year training program in Bible and theology that 190 people are participating in throughout the country. We are accompanying the Covenant Youth Association as they continue to expand their ministry of peace and reconciliation, Be Peace, Make Peace, and a project to equip local youth leaders in their churches. We partner with Covenant foundations and social projects who are working with marginalized or vulnerable communities, including those who have been displaced. And together with our team here, before the pandemic, we received interns and mission teams who come from the United States to serve short-term. We are accompanying local churches as they reach out and minister to their communities during the pandemic.
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