We trekked a long distance, hitting many waypoints along the trail. There is much to celebrate with what’s been accomplished! Let’s enjoy the clarity of knowing what the next leg of the journey could look like.
Join us as we move forward … UNITED.
Our Life-Changing Stories
Brandie’s Story
Timothy’s Story
Greg’s Story
Suzette’s Story
Sarah’s Story
Maintaining The Foundation
What is One Fund?
Your entire financial commitment to
Heights Church
What One Fund Does
Provides all the needed resources to fully
fund all ministries, operations, missions,
and outreach opportunities for Heights
Our Faith Goal
Provides for projects that are above
and beyond.
1-Year Initiative
How To Make My Commitment

Step 1
This is the first and most important step in preparing your heart for responding to God’s call to action. Ask Him what He would have you give, and then just listen to what He says.

Step 2
God doesn’t expect equal giving, but He does want equal sacrifice. Think in terms of what you can give up in order to reach and change lives.

Step 3
We serve an awesome God, so trust that He will provide what He impresses upon you to give. Leave room for faith in your commitment and expect God’s provision!
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